1. Location #srYwIS2f
Spatial accuracy level
GigaSol Palauig Solar Farm, Palauig, Zambales, Philippines
Lat: 15.44389
Lng: 119.94961
The Project includes a Phase 1 and 2. The polygon represents the solar panels from Phase 1. These panels cover an area of 50.61ha based on polygons, but sources inform that the area of the project in total is 58ha.
Phase 2 is under construction, no panels have been seen yet though google earth, but the Phase 2 will be spread in an area of 275ha near Phase 1's panels.
Source: adb.org, acenrenewables.com, philstar.com & Regional: AC Energy Green Bond Project (PDF)
Facility name
63 MW Palauig 1 Solar project,
Date refers to when the construction of the Phase 1 was completed.
Source: Regional: AC Energy Green Bond Project (PDF)
Palauig Solar, ACEN’s second biggest solar farm, aims to harness Zambales’ growth potential for clean energy and support the Philippines’ rising power demand. The project is located in an area with one of the highest irradiance zones in the Philippines.