Deal #10730
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
There was no involuntary resettlements.
Source: Regional: AC Energy Green Bond Project (PDF)
Based on the information provided by the MPDC, Barangay Captain of Salaza and two
Aeta community leaders, the project site has never been part of Aeta’s’ or any indigenous peoples’
territories. They never own, use, occupy or claim the project site in any point in history as an ancestral domain. They also never used its natural resources for economic, cultural, social and spiritual purposes nor has it any significance to them. They also reported that the project has no adverse impact on their dignity, human rights, livelihood systems, or culture. Instead it benefitted some Aeta households by providing employment to 14 persons. But for both negative and positive impacts, the ADB 2009 SPS provides the following:
Recognition status of community land tenure
Comment on recognition status of community land tenure
no application for this variable due to land acquisition being done via outright purchase and no impacts to the nearby communities that are not beneficial
Consultation of local community
Community consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
Since the project does not affect any indigenous peoples and does not meet any of the FPIC criteria, none of the IPRA’s requirements applies to the project.
GIGASOL3 Solar Farm actively engages with the surrounding communities, local authorities, and relevant stakeholders to provide updates on the status of the operation and consult on the corporate social responsibility programs and development projects under the ER-1-94 program (benefits of the communities from hosting the solar farm).
How did the community react?
Community reaction
Presence of land conflicts
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
The 58-hectare project site is part of the 64-hectare block of land that GIGASOL3, Inc. bought from its corporate owner, Crismin Realty Corporation. The corporate owner grew mangoes, commercial trees and cattle in the land. A land manager managed the land and paid workers tended the crops and cattle. There is no information on the number of workers. There were no public or private structures in the land. The MPDC, Barangay Captains of Salaza and Cauyan and two Aeta community leaders reported that no part of the land was not used for any social or cultural activities neither was it regarded as culturally or historically significant. The land was classified as agricultural under the municipality’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) but the municipal council reclassified is as industrial area under Municipal Ordinance No 161 Series 2019. GIGASOL3 Inc. signed the Deed of Sale for the land on 05 November 2018.
Regional: AC Energy Green Bond Project (PDF)
Displacement of people
Displacement of people
Comment on displacement of people
There was no involuntary resettlements.
Regional: AC Energy Green Bond Project (PDF)
Negative impacts for local communities
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
No negative impacts recorded
Promised or received compensation
Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
not applicable as there are no negative compesnations
Promised benefits for local communities
Promised benefits for local communities
Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)
Materialized benefits for local communities
Materialized benefits for local communities
Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Financial support
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
ACEN donated 2 school buildings to address the classroom shortage in Palauig, Zambales - They have donated a total of Php29,000,000 to fund the construction of 14 classrooms
The Birgada Eskwela program has accounted for the donation of heavy-duty printers, supplies and healthcare kits.
Eco-tourism and community engagement: Initiatives like Solarlympics in Palauig, Zambales and the Tanod Watch program in Guimaras highlight our efforts to promote tourism and community safety, respectively, enhancing the SPI’s ‘Foundations of Well-being’ and ‘Personal Safety’.
Our Palauig Solar 1 in Zambales is among our five solar farms across the Philippines that implement the ”SolarGulayan” agrivoltaics program, which combines solarpower and agriculture to improve local food security whilegenerating renewable energy.