Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1060

Deal #1060 Version #50912

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Overall comment
Import of error check - Reviewer's overview comment: In this case, a regional government tried to impose a public interest to private activities, the companies not respecting their commitments. The deputies' report condemned the agricultural model that these two companies tried to impose illegaly: soy-bean large scale cultivation. The deputies established over all the social consequences of this model: expulsion of local peasants and impoverishment of local economy. But for one part the concession contract with Ecodesarrollo SA was itself the consequence of the public resignation and the privatization of Salta Forestal SA., the province thinking that private companies would be more able (and willing) to develop a sustainable model. For other part, the renegociation of the contract with Agropecuaria Cervera S.A (Cresud) increased public monetary benefit but didn't change the model of this company: the province will receive 10% of the value generated by soybean cultivation, but keeps subordinated to this model of value-generating (and international integration).