Deal #10513

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Last full update

Land area

Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2009, current] 68041.33 ha
Comment on land area
The company owns 47 registered properties in the municipality, totaling 68,041.33 hectares. Properties: Vista Alegre CA - 766.42 hectares Nova Esperança - 697.5743 hectares Marleuza - 297.5549 hectares Lomanto Junior II - 23.6708 hectares Bloco 22 - 1,053.4815 hectares Campos Verdes - 335.3547 hectares Bloco 14 - 113.1917 hectares Bloco 17 - 3,556.5291 hectares Bloco 24 CAR - 50.1827 hectares Vereda Bonita e Amaralina - 4,740.5311 hectares Bloco 02 CAR I - 3,550.5930 hectares Bloco 15 - 262.9028 hectares Bloco 06 - 254.0221 hectares Fazenda Modelo - 301.9593 hectares Bloco 07 - 140.3385 hectares; Bloco 34 CAR - 197.8788 hectares Uberlandia e Monte Cristo - 244.7038 hectares Bloco 25 CA - 3,115.1944 hectares Renascença II - 41.819 hectares Bloco 02 - 6,139.7119 hectares Trombinha Santa Barbara e Gombe - 896.31 hectares Bloco 04 - 1,656.6349 hectares Bloco 05 - 9,462.4796 hectares Bloco 24 - 443.7853 hectares Bloco 11 - 7.0353 hectares Bloco 25 CAR - 54.0935 hectares Estrela do Sul - 690.6187 hectares Bom Sossego - 490.077 hectares Bloco 21 CAR - 189.4114 hectares Fazenda Boa Esperança - 178.3902 hectares Gruta Linda - 99.8764 hectares Monte das Oliveiras - 512.8906 hectares Bloco 13 - 239.1091 hectares Santa Maria e Nova Alegria - 1,789.1540 hectares Ilha de Caravelas - 233.4021 hectares Conj M Belo e Outras - 7,061.8247 hectares Bloco 26 CA - 480.4716 hectares Bloco 21 - 1,129.1663 hectares Bloco 23 - 333.7692 hectares Estância Rio Bravo - 196.3204 hectares Boa Sorte e Duas Barras - 57.3716 hectares Comanche - 43.4579 hectares Santo Antonio CA - 108.2213 hectares Bloco 02 CAR VIII - 143.9735 hectares Fazenda Conjunto Copacabana - 1,330.9884 hectares Bloco 09 MAT 1192 - 1,595.4063 hectares Bloco 09 - 12,733.4739 hectares The data provided by the National Rural Registry System (SNCR) does not indicate the amount of area designated for the production of the enterprise. According to the Brazilian Forest Code (2012), an area must be designated as a legal reserve.

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [2009, current] Timber plantation for wood and fiber

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal
Outright purchase
Comment on nature of the deal
The amount of hectares described above was obtained from the National Rural Registry System (SNCR), which is managed by the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA), meaning it corresponds to the area controlled by the company through purchase. There are two issues that need to be highlighted: The data from the National Rural Registry System (SNCR) are official; however, the methodology for obtaining this data is based on self-declaration. State oversight is not common. There are reports that the company also leases land. It is not possible to determine the amount of leased land.

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2009, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
Comment on negotiation status
The company started as Suzano Bahia Sul Celulose S.A., and in 2009, Suzano Bahia Sul Celulose S.A. was merged into Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. The company's expansion in the region is ongoing.

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [2009, current] In operation (production)