1. Location #8kbrxIM1
Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Mucuri, BA, Brasil
Lat: -18.0834
Lng: -39.54997
In total, there are 21 properties registered under the name Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. in the municipality of Mucuri, covering a total area of 67,439.90 hectares.
AZENDA SABIA - 138.908 hectares
BLOCO 43 MU - 1,837.4910 hectares
FABRICA PARIS BLOCO 38 39 47 49 51 - 46,445.4378 hectares
DIDIQUEZA - 2,700.4398 hectares
CONJUNTO BELA VISTA - 290.4949 hectares
BLOCO 44 MU - 4,743.4025 hectares
BLOCO 42 MU- 525.9014 hectares
BLOCO 57 MU - 1,284.4619 hectares
CORREGO DO MEIO - 203.5512 hectares
BLOCO 56 MU - 6,296.86 hectares
BLOCO 55 MU - 143.0554 hectares
BLOCO 13 ACZ- 310.2222 hectares
BLOCO 52 MU - 14.3257 hectares
BLOCO 17 ACZ - 181.3427 hectares
BLOCO 16 ACZ - 32.9675 hectares
BLOCO 54 MU - 554.7535 hectares
CINTURAO VERDE- 397.3367 hectares
GARRAFA E FORMIGA - 587.8572 hectares
POUSO ALEGRE - 559.5988 hectares
VISTA ALEGRE MU - 83.4887 hectares
FAZENDA PARAISO - 107.9875 hectares
Facility name
Suzano Papel e Celulose S.A. - Unidade Mucuri