Deal #10394

Created at
Last update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
People of Kiala Ketil

Presence of land conflicts

Presence of land conflicts

Displacement of people

Displacement of people

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Financial support, Community shares in the investment project
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
In terms of the social benefits to the community, it is estimated that this CSR initiative will benefit more than 2,600 farmers and the local economic development and creating 106 direct employments to the local community through a pineapple plantation. PPKKK will manage the farming together with the local farmers through a joint venture programme with a shared capital commitment of 70:30 whereby the local farmers will share 70% of profits and risks and PPKKK will share the remaining 30% of profits and risks. The pineapple farming is expected to generate gross revenue of approximately RM684,000 per cycle (one cycle of harvesting is 14 months). Therefore, the total gross revenue from the pineapple farming that would be generated throughout the 18 years tenure of the ASEAN Sustainability SRI Sukuk is expected circa of RM10.55 million. This has not considered the estimated gross revenue that could be generated from the sale of other crops

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Financial support, Community shares in the investment project