Deal #10239
Created at
Last update
Number of total jobs created
Jobs created (total)
Current total number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
- [2016-03, current] 57 jobs 239 workers
Number of domestic jobs created
Jobs created (domestic)
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
- [current] 41 jobs 12 employees 44 workers
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
it is found that the project has employed 12 direct employees for operation /Ref-32/ of the project as well as 44 security personnel to ensure the project security. Apart from this direct staffing project engages several contractors for maintenance of the project i.e., Grass cutting, Cleaning of Panels, periodic technical maintenance of Solar power plant and troubleshooting etc. where approximately 41 contractual staff is working for the project.