Deal #10162

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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
There are two districts from two provinces are affected by this project: Dak Cheung District, Sekong Province and Sanxay District, Attapeu Province.
Name of indigenous people
Katu ,
Ha Luk
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
In Dak Cheung District: Agricultural land of 340 households from 18 villages will be impacted by project land acquisition. Out of 340 households (HHs), two HHs will be permanently affected, 168 HHs will be temporarily affected and 170 HHs will be permanently and temporarily affected. 129.78 ha and 390.29 ha of communal land in 22 villages will be permanently and temporarily affected respectively. 108.25 ha and 421.00 ha of NTFP collection area in 20 villages will be permanently and temporarily impacted. In Sanxay district of Attapeu province: Agricultural land of a total of 38 households in 4 villages will be impacted. Of 38 HHs, 3 HHs will be permanently affected, 2 HHs will be temporarily affected, and 33 HHs will be permanently and temporarily affected. 30.16 ha and 58.69 ha of communal land in 5 villages will be permanently and temporarily impacted. 44.80 ha and 18.98 ha of NTFPs collection area in 5 villages will be permanently and temporarily impacted. It is assumed that all villagers (355 people) in 5 villages in Sanxay District are impacted by land acquisition of NTFP collection area. According to the Company’s Community and Ethinic Group Development, of the 449 surveyed households, 399 are Triang households (89%); 17 are Yae households (4%); 19 are Katu households (4%); 4 are Lao households (1%) and 10 are other ethnic groups (2%) (mainly Ha Luk).

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Comment on consultation of local community
According to the CEGDP report, due to the absence of any physical displacement or impact on any cultural resources and heritage and land under customary use or effect on defined identity and community of ethnic groups, FPIC is not applicable to the Project. It reports that the project exhibited the six characteristics of Good Faith Negotiation. Most of information found in the company’s website and AIIB. It shows the list of documents including the EIA and Community & Ethnic Group Development Plan, Stakeholder Engagement Plan. However, it is a questionable if those reports/processes are conducted in the manner of FPIC.

How did the community react?

Community reaction
Mixed reaction
Comment on community reaction
According to interview with local villagers, they mainly concern if the compensation will be fairly paid. They also call for local authority to make sure this project will benefit to local people. Some villagers also raise concern about the change of livestock activities as they concern that when the company construct the fence along their project site, they will not be able to raise our livestock in that area and we will not make their living as we used to. Some representatives NGOs also said in the interview that they do not know what it is actually happening on the ground, as information about the project implementation is limited.

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Comment on displacement of people
In Sekong province, 129.78 ha and 390.29 ha of communal land in 22 villages will be permanently and temporarily affected respectively. In Attapeu: 30.16 ha and 58.69 ha of communal land in 5 villages will be permanently and temporarily impacted. In Dak Cheung district, Sekong province, 340 HHs will lose their agricultural land. In Sanxay district, Attapeu province, 38 HHs will lose their agricultural land.

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Displacement
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Loss of agricultural land, loss access to forest especially NTFPs collection area

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
Company said that all affected villagers will get compensation

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Capacity building, Financial support
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Employment, vocational training on agriculture, building school, educational scholarship, health service

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
The electricity supply from wind farm