Promoting transparency and accountability in land acquisitions

The Land Matrix is an independent land monitoring initiative that promotes transparency and accountability in decisions over large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in low- and middle-income countries by capturing and sharing data about these deals.

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deals recorded by the Land Matrix

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Deal narratives

Deal Narrative 3: Securing land rights and access to commons - new hope for the Argentine Chaco’s pastoralists?


The Chaco region, which spans Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay, is the second largest forest in South America after the Amazon rainforest. It is also one of the fastest growing agricultural frontiers in South America and a global deforestation hotspot. Since the 1990s, the Argentine Chaco has experienced a massive expansion …


Country profiles

Country profile: Serbia


A favourable climate and large cultivated areas create ideal conditions for varied agricultural production in Serbia. At the same time, however, complex and tangled land relations, a legacy of its past as a socialist Yugoslav state, exacerbate the issue of land ownership, even after the privatisation process in the 1990s …



Insight into large-scale LULC changes and their drivers through breakpoint characterization: An application to Senegal


As global land cover/ land use change (LULCC) threatens the human’s well-being, accurate detection and characterization of LULCC is of paramount importance. The increasing availability of dense satellite image time series (SITS), together with the ever-improving change detection algorithms, has allowed significant progress to be made. However, much remains to …



Survey on large-scale land acquisitions in Senegal: Focus on agricultural jobs


Building on activities initiated with the Land Matrix with the financial support of GIGA, a pilot operation has been entrusted to ISRA-BAME. This initiative aims to consolidate existing data and deepen collection to identify and characterise large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) in Senegal. This approach aligns with GIGA's project, which seeks …



Report a deal or suggest changes

Do you have information about land deals in your country that we can add to our database? Can you confirm or update information we already have? You can help us make the Land Matrix more accurate and comprehensive by adding a deal, providing feedback on existing data, or contacting us with any other queries or suggestions.

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  • European Commission
  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


  • Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA) i
  • Ecoaction
  • GIGA
  • ILC
  • CDE

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